

Friday, August 31, 2012

College time for this small town girl!

Guess who's a big girl now?! That would be me! Moved down to Cedar on the 15th and have been absolutely loving it!  I love where I live, I have thee best roommate out there (don't argue with me on this one), and so far I'm lovin' school.  I have it good for sure.  I'm so blessed! It's still kind of weird that I'm on my own.. But I've been starting to get used to it. :) Each day brings something new.. For instance, learning to do laundry.  Ehh, not so fun.. But there's been more good than bad.  So excited to see what this year brings! :)

All ready to go! :)

 Miss Regan && Miss Tenny (The roommate)
Did I mention she cooks me delicious food??

First college dance.. Sooo much fun! 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Lovin' me some sunsets. :)

Ok.. I seriously live in thee most beautiful place. Two absolutely AMAZING sunsets in one week! I could seriously sit and stare at 'em all day.. LOVE! :)